Singing Guide: Mannheim Steamroller

Singing Guide: Mannheim Steamroller

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mannheim Steamroller

Mannheim Steamroller is an American neoclassical new-age music group founded by Chip Davis, known for its blend of classical music and modern instruments such as synthesizers. Their unique sound comes in part from the use of multilayered recording techniques to create orchestral arrangements. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Chip Davis, the founder of the Mannheim Steamroller group.

Vocal Techniques

First and foremost, Mannheim Steamroller's vocals are uniquely layered and best described as ethereal. To achieve this sound, it's essential to utilize the right vocal techniques, including proper breath support, open mouth and throat while singing, and effective warm-up exercises. Here are some resources from Singing Carrots to assist you in this endeavor:

  • Learn more about effective breathing in this article about Breath Support.
  • Open mouth and throat while singing are important for achieving a clear sound. Learn more here.
  • Discover great vocal warm-up exercises to use in preparation for singing, featuring Farinelli Breathing and 3 Minute Warm Up.

Song Choice

Mannheim Steamroller's music is characterized by a mix of classical and modern instrumentation, and their vocals are airy and haunting. For this reason, we recommend learning some of their most popular songs, such as "Deck the Halls," "We Three Kings," and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." These songs showcase the unique vocal style of Mannheim Steamroller, and learning them will help you develop your own ethereal sound.

To find songs with a similar vocal range to Chip Davis, check out Singing Carrots' song search feature.


One of the essential aspects of learning to sing like Chip Davis is mastering performance techniques, including posture, emotion control, and stage fright. Here are some resources from Singing Carrots to assist you in this endeavor:


In conclusion, learning to sing like Chip Davis and emulate Mannheim Steamroller's unique style requires proper vocal techniques, song choice, and performance techniques. Singing Carrots has numerous resources to help you achieve this goal, including warm-up exercises, song searches, and performance advice articles. Use the tools and tips provided here to learn singing like a Mannheim Steamroller singer and create your own ethereal sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.